API Security

Instant API security in the cloud, without requiring agents or network changes

The Challenge

Incomplete Visibility

Monitoring APIs and related security risks across multi-cloud environments requires comprehensive visibility and continuous API discovery, but existing solutions dedicated to the protection of web traffic and APIs typically require agent-based or network-based controls to get deep visibility. The result is high maintenance costs, incomplete coverage, limited API inventory, scalability challenges and lack of wider cloud security context.

Agent-based solutions lead to blind spots, an incomplete API inventory, scalability problems, performance degradation and high TCO.

API Security point solutions lack wider context on cloud misconfigurations, workload vulnerabilities, malware, lateral movement exposures or other risks.

Maintaining multiple security solutions and correlate data leads to alert fatigue and missed alerts.

Our Approach

Unlike other solutions, the Orca Platform provides security teams with a full inventory of APIs and related web domains in their cloud estate, as well as API-related security and compliance risks, without a single agent. Instead of viewing siloed API risks, Orca also considers other risks, including vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, malware, the location of sensitive data, and lateral movement risk, to effectively prioritize the API risks with the most danger to your cloud environment.

Have an extensive view of the API attack surface across your cloud estate, including newly added assets, without blind spots.

Fast and frictionless deployment – get an accurate API inventory in minutes without the need for agents, edge workers, or bringing in a vendor to analyze your logs.

Orca effectively prioritizes risks by leveraging its insights into APIs as well as risks found in cloud workloads, configurations and identities, to understand which risk combinations pose the greatest danger.

API Security Explainer by Orca Security


Orca Security Provides Frictionless API Security in the Cloud

Continuous API discovery and inventory

Orca’s API dashboard provides cloud and application security teams with an overview of all high-level API data and alerts. Orca’s API discovery is continuous, without the need for time-consuming agents, edge workers, or bringing in a vendor to analyze your logs.

  • Track and analyze your managed and unmanaged API assets, including applications, domains, subdomains, path groups, users, and API endpoints. 
  • Consult interactive API maps showing all API endpoints, requests, and server responses. 
  • Get a real-world picture of publicly exposed APIs with screenshots for quick in-app view.
  • Get answers to questions such as: “What assets are accessible from the Internet, and what do they expose? Or “How many API endpoints contain access to personally identifiable information (PII)?”
Orca Security's API Security dashboard showing all Assets results
Orca Security's API Security dashboard query results

API security risk prioritization and compliance

Orca scans your entire cloud estate and surfaces potentially hazardous API security risks—including alerts from the OWASP API Security Top 10—providing actionable data and remediation suggestions.

  • Prioritize risks and accelerate mitigation actions with severity scores and valuable context-based data such as the location of PII, API public exposure, and more.
  • Easily identify “what is externally exposed, that shouldn’t be?” with automatic suggestions.
  • Take preventive steps to reduce the API attack surface. Search for the risks associated with a particular domain or subdomain, or alerts over a particular time period.
  • Stay ahead of audits and adhere to common compliance frameworks like PCI-DSS with linked-alerts provided by Orca.

API security drift detection and management

Orca ensures that potentially risky API changes and behaviors aren’t missed by security and governance teams. 

  • Continuously monitor API behavior and usage and alert teams to potentially unwanted API drift.
  • Easily track newly added and removed applications, domains, subdomains, API paths, and API operations on those paths.
  • Access a Swagger documentation view that can be used to easily compare intended API policy vs. current usage.
Orca Security's API Security Changelog with a list of Web and API entities

Complete and Prioritized Cloud Risk Intelligence




Financial Services

cloud environment

AWS, Azure

“We went from years’ worth of pain to full visibility in a single afternoon. Take it from a guy who is in the trenches—that is profound.”

Peter Robinson Director of Cybersecurity and Business IT

Read the Case Study

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